The technological revolution in Qatar has led to the emergence of generations displaced from their values. That the Web has been able to transfer the cases of the Uncommunicative youth to the welcomed heard space. It turned “ the silent majority” to “the spoken majority“ and succeeded in putting itself on the top agenda of the world.
Without any doubt, the generations impressed with the new life's tools, and interacted with them, producing the adult form, which was “in terms of age” were recognized and dealt with more seriously than everyone thinks.
Two elements were not available for the younger generation earlier; the first social networking with the various social classes, cultural and geographical classes, which led to expand the youth minds and their vision of life and the universe. Secondly, the massive flow of information, which were not available except for limited people from security departements and Politicians.
The technological revolution has succeeded in transforming “the silent majority” to “the spoken majority” and it is no longer silent, as it shares in the production of public opinion among young people, which is almost a uniform over the social problems and the ways to deal and solve them.
It has contributed in pushing the social and political movements in all countries of the world and forwarded at a rapid pace and revolutionary. It was in contrast to the old generations to variables, and to obey and enforce to deal with them according to the mechanisms and conditions. But infront all these variables, what did the old generations do when they see what is happening to their young people? The fact refers to that; they were spending and offering the young people the money to use the new technology, and monitors, while others refuse to even carry a cell phone.

The capacity of the Qatari old generation varys to deal with the various tools and technology industries, while some managed to adapt it quickly than the others. But many eldest has suffered from the phobia and it’s became a warm cover that they tell everyone they love the old one.
For instance, there are few Qatari people almost prevents their kids from using the Internet at home, though if they could, they would prevent them from using it outside their houses.

So, the conflict and the social interactions between the generations, although it takes in every age a new term which is differ from what was preceded earlier. However; who thinks that the parents will end the conflict, didn’t had the chance to see well the variability of roles between the ages. The absolute thing is that; who ever argued his/her father on the technology revolution, he/she will argue his/her son and grandson, in what they want them to do rather than what they want it against the parents rejection.