It’s very interesting and challenging to know that Qatar is the first country among the Muslim world and in the Middle East to host such an important global event.
I believe that one of the most significant expectations from this host is that it will bring the whole world closer to the Middle East and create multi-cultural ties across the region with the world.

In sociology, this process of cultural exchange is described briefly by many sociologists under the term “Cultural Diffusion.” Cultural diffusion, as first conceptualized by the Alfred L. Kroeber , is a process where the spreading of ideas or products from one culture to another occurs.
In short words, as Her Highness Sheikha Moza Bint Nasser Al Missned mentioned in her presentation, this event aims to pull countries closer together through football.
Therefore the social, cultural and perceptional value of this event is much more than the financial value for Qatar, the Middle East and the whole world. It will not only affect trade and economy, it will also encourages tourism, brings the entire world together in a small village and makes Qatar a well-known country. It will enhance the relations between different countries and cultures. For example, through this event, Qatar would be able to introduce the authentic traditions and norms of Islam blurred by negative media publicity.
FIFA World Cup 2022 would provide Qatar with the opportunity to introduce Arab and Islamic values and traditions to the rest of the world. In addition to that, the arrival of many tourists, journalists, and sports and business people from around the world to Qatar would cause a social and cultural transformation that would lead to a better understanding of the Qatari heritage, culture, norms and values. People would be able to exchange knowledge and enrich their social skills with other cultures.

In conclusion, Qatar looks forward to benefit in different sectors from this special event and is welling to share this advantage with the whole world.