Beautiful Carlsbad State Beach, also known as Tamarack Beach to the locals, is located alongside Carlsbad Blvd at Tamarack Ave. in Carlsbad. This 14 acre stretch of beach runs south about 4-5 miles where it joins South Carlsbad State Beach. This is a great spot for both offshore and onshore goers. Offshore you will find surfers, kayakers and boaters. The waves here are more for experienced surfers and break right and left. Check them out they are original. Where the surf meets the sand, you will see swimmers and body boarders and occasionally fisherman. Onshore you will see it all from kids playing in the sand to families having a BBQ. This beach is also extremely beautiful with its beach side and bluff side trails. Picnic spots are also located on the bluffs with stairs that run down to the beach. You can also view awesome sunsets from the bluffs. You can usually get lucky finding a parking spot on a side street. If not, there is a vehicle fee at entrance of beach.Call ahead of time for fees and beach hours.
Carlsbad State Beach, from Pine Street south to Cannon Road, including Frazee State Beach/Tamarack Surf Beach and Warm Water Jetty (in front of the power plant), is one of San Diego’s most popular beaches. The City of Carlsbad provides beach access at Pine Avenue, Sycamore Avenue, Maple Avenue, Cherry Avenue and Tamarack Avenue. Two seawalls connect Pine Avenue and Tamarack Avenue. Dogs on leashes are allowed up top, but not on the lower path. Public restrooms and showers are at both ends of the path. A seawall also extends from Tamarack south to Cannon Road for those looking for a longer trek